Experience Unparalleled Smile Transformation with Our Exclusive Dental Implant Services


A Revolutionary Dentistry Practice - Exceptional, Patient-Focused Services Combining Advanced Techniques and Compassionate Care

Our unswerving dedication to dental health has propelled us to distinguished heights in the field. We warmly welcome you to experience the superior care and cordiality of our modern dental practice. Our highly committed dentists work tirelessly to cater to your specific needs, nurturing a strong bond with you while ensuring your comfort and satisfaction are paramount.

Dental Implants Photo

Unrivalled Dental Implants, Guaranteed to Revive Your Smile

We offer cost-effective dental implant treatments in Melbourne, tailored as a reliable solution for the gaps caused by missing teeth. Our esteemed team utilises high-grade titanium implants to create a solid foundation, carefully embedding the screw within your jawbone.

Utilising cutting-edge technology and techniques, our proficient team is responsible for the entire dental implant treatment. We introduce a broad range of tooth implant options for your selection. Once these are securely fixed, an artificial tooth is affixed to the implant, flawlessly filling the gap and mirroring natural teeth.

For trustworthy and efficient dental implant solutions, lean on our team of highly experienced dentists.


Envision the radiant charm of your smile after the successful completion of your dental implant procedure.

Sinus Lift with Dental Implants

Before and After Dental Implants melbourne
Before and After Dental Implants sydney


The patient’s course of action started with a detailed examination, followed by a unique strategy for performing a sinus lift in combination with dental implant placement. Patients who have inadequate bone height in the upper jaw or sinuses located close to the jaw may be ideal candidates for this particular treatment.

At our Melbourne practice, the sinus lift was carried out first, making room for bone grafts to be added, thus providing the necessary support for the implant. Dental implants procedure then ensued, allowing for a firm foundation for the artificial tooth. The amalgamation of these two procedures dramatically enhanced the patient’s oral health and self-assurance.

Bone Augmentation and Dental Implants

Before and After Dental Implants sydney
Before and After Dental Implants melbourne


The commencement of the patient’s recovery entailed a thorough assessment, subsequently followed by a customised plan for bone augmentation and dental implant surgery. This strategy is perfect for those who have experienced significant bone loss, rendering traditional dental implant methods unfeasible.

The journey to get dental implants in Melbourne began with bone augmentation, where new bone or a bone-like material was added to the jaw bone. Once the jaw bone was sufficiently strengthened, the dental implant was securely positioned. This dual-action approach significantly elevated the patient’s dental health and overall confidence.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

Before and After Dental Implants sydney
Before and After Dental Implants melbourne


The patient’s restoration pathway opened with an all-encompassing examination proceeded by a distinct scheme for immediate load dental implant placement. This technique is specifically for individuals desiring a quick solution for missing teeth, where timing is of the essence.

By using the latest technologies, our Melbourne clinic provided immediate-load dental implants, also known as same-day implants. Immediately after the implants were inserted, a temporary natural tooth was attached. The speed and efficiency of this treatment considerably improved the patient’s smile and overall oral function, ultimately boosting their self-confidence.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


One of the major considerations for patients is the dental implants cost. The final cost of this treatment is not fixed; it varies considerably, subject to a multitude of factors. This section aims to shed light on the different components that can influence the ultimate cost of dental implants.

The Number of Dental Implants Required

One of the primary elements affecting the cost is the number of dental implants required. Naturally, replacing a single tooth will be less expensive compared to a full mouth restoration. It’s essential to remember that each missing tooth does not necessarily require a separate implant; for instance, implant-supported bridges can replace multiple adjacent missing teeth with fewer implants, thereby reducing the cost.

The Location of Missing Teeth

Another critical factor is the location of the missing tooth or teeth. Front teeth, owing to their visibility and complex root structures, can be more challenging (and hence costly) to replace. Back teeth, although not typically as aesthetically critical, may be trickier due to their location and the forces exerted on them during chewing.

The Condition of the Jawbone

The condition of your jawbone also significantly impacts dental implants cost. The implant is inserted into the jawbone, so adequate bone density is vital for successful implantation. If your jawbone lacks the necessary thickness or height, procedures such as a bone graft or sinus lift might be needed, which adds to the overall cost.

The Choice of Dental Professional

The choice of dental professional also impacts the cost. Experienced dental professionals with years of training and expertise in implantology and cosmetic dentistry typically charge higher fees. But remember, choosing a well-qualified and experienced dentist can save you from potential complications and additional costs in the future.

The Type of the Dental Implant

There are different types of implants, each varying in price. Factors such as the material of the implant (titanium or zirconia), the brand, and the type (traditional implants or mini implants) can significantly influence the cost.

The Type and Material of the Crown or Prosthetic Tooth

Moreover, the type and material of the crown or prosthetic tooth that will be attached to the implant can also affect the price. Crowns can be made of different materials such as porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or full-gold crowns, each with its own price range.

Additional Considerations

Lastly, it’s important to consider the cost of the initial consultation, any necessary diagnostic tests (like X-rays or CT scans), as well as any post-operative care or check-ups.

While dental implants may initially seem expensive, it’s crucial to understand their long-term value. They offer a permanent solution for tooth loss, potentially lasting a lifetime with proper care. Also, remember that affordable dental implants do exist. You can explore payment plans or dental financing options that many clinics offer, making this valuable treatment more accessible. It’s always advisable to have a detailed conversation with your dentist about the costs involved so that you can make an informed decision about your dental health.

Practise Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is paramount to keeping your dental implants healthy. Just like natural teeth, dental implants can accumulate plaque, leading to inflammation and potential gum disease around the implant. Therefore, brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and using interdental brushes or floss to clean hard-to-reach areas around the implant is recommended. You can also use an antimicrobial mouthwash for an extra layer of protection.

Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings

Scheduling regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings is essential for implant health. A professional cleaning session can help remove any plaque or tartar build-up around the dental implants, which your at-home cleaning may not be able to achieve. During a dental check-up, your dentist can inspect the condition of your implants and detect any early signs of potential problems.

Avoid Damaging Habits

Certain habits can negatively affect the health of your dental implants. Try to avoid using your teeth (and implants) as tools, for instance, to open packages. Avoid hard and sticky foods that can cause damage. Moreover, if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, discuss it with your dentist, as this can put undue pressure on your implants, potentially leading to damage. Wearing a nightguard while sleeping can mitigate this problem.

Don’t Smoke or Use Tobacco Products

Smoking or use of other tobacco products can seriously jeopardise the health and longevity of your dental implants. Not only does smoking slow down the healing process post-implant surgery, but it also increases the risk of implant failure, as it contributes to bone loss in the jaw.

Pay Attention to Your Overall Health

Keeping your dental implants healthy isn’t just about your oral health. Conditions like diabetes can interfere with the healing process after the implant procedure and increase the risk of infections. Therefore, it’s crucial to manage any existing health conditions and maintain a balanced diet to support your overall health, which, in turn, contributes to the health of your dental implants.

All in all, dental implants are a significant investment in your smile and overall dental health. Hence, it’s crucial to care for them properly. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure the health and longevity of your dental implants, preserving your beautiful, confident smile for a lifetime.

Dental implants have gained considerable popularity as a durable, long-term solution to replace missing teeth. A key factor contributing to this popularity is their high success rate, with many clinical studies over the years revealing positive outcomes.

The journey of successful dental implants typically begins with the surgical placement of the implant into the jawbone. When performed by a competent dental professional and followed by diligent aftercare, the integration of the implant with the bone – a process known as osseointegration – generally happens without complications.

According to scientific literature, dental implants have a success rate of about 95-98%. This high rate is attributable to advancements in implant design, improvements in the materials used, and the adoption of more precise surgical techniques. These figures, however, are averages, and the success rate can differ depending on the position of the implant in the jaw, the patient’s overall health, and their oral hygiene practices.

It is important to remember that while the implant itself can last a lifetime with sufficient upkeep, the prosthetic tooth or crown attached to the implant may need replacement due to wear and tear. Nonetheless, this does not indicate a failure of the dental implant but is a routine part of the maintenance of the implant restoration.

Although implants have a high success rate, they are not immune to complications or failure. Factors such as smoking, poor oral hygiene, or uncontrolled diabetes can negatively impact the success of the dental implant. Hence, it’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices, attend regular dental check-ups, and lead a healthy lifestyle to ensure the longevity of your dental implants.


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